Besides, increasing public expenditure on health Government of India will have to introduce specific methods to strengthen public health system as the primary provider of preventive and curative health services in India. Further, GOI will have to improve quality...
General Anti-avoidance Rules (Gaar) is now part of Indian IT Act. We should move cautiously and ensure that growth and investment in the country is not held ransom to the subjective nature of the instrument. Gaar provisions, in their...
Nothing sums up the plight of the healthcare sector but the paucity of workforce. It is a common knowledge that India faces an unprecedented shortage of healthcare workers. In this light, FICCI and AICTE are collaborating to develop 12...
Few complexities in the agriculture value chain that need immediate attention include information asymmetry (especially prices), lack of knowledge transfer (agri extension), spurious inputs, storage facilities, and number of intermediaries. MCX’s Gramin Suvidha Kendra, the winner of Businessworld FICCI...
Millennium alliance is a first-of-its-kind initiative in India anchored by FICCI with the support of Department of Science & Technology, Government of India and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It is a platform to support and...
Mr. RV Kanoria, President, FICCI met and briefed Ms Nancy J Powell, US Ambassador on FICCI’s activities to promote the Indo-USA bilateral relations. The interactions touched upon range of issues such as Indo-US Cooperation in Energy, Innovation & Technology,...