Debt restructuring, or eventual liquidation will be a speedier exercise and hopefully less frustrating for the stakeholders.
Budget 2018 has introduced major reforms in the social sector, viz. healthcare and education. FICCI looks forward to greater measures in this direction in coming years.
Having sensed the opportunity right, several companies in India have also begun adopting the A.R.T approach to running a successful business instead of working in silos and reinventing the wheel.
The transformation towards a more digitised economy encompasses five key elements: consumer payments, digital lending, internal transformation, evolution of financial inclusion into greater economic inclusion and collaboration between banks and fintech.
The banks must have the freedom to offer differentiated wages and salary to employees working in different geographies and their emoluments must be linked to their productivity.
The United States, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and China have all provided alternative platforms for emerging companies, with less onerous disclosure and other requirements, compared to main market listings.